Thursday, November 24, 2016
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Te Reo, Term 4 2016.
This term we have been learning all about the Marae. We have learned that…….
- The Marae is an important focal point for the community.
- The Marea is a place where tradition and customs can be carried out.
- The Marae is a place where people can express their values with dignity.
- There are many kawa ( protocols) that prevail on the marae.
- Marae kawa (protocols) can differ between maraes and iwi.
We have focussed on some key concepts when doing this learning.
These are listed and explained in the table below.
Definition -
give the meaning of these concepts in your own words.
This means custom, culture, manner and the māori way of doing things.
This means a welcoming ceremony on a marae.
Tangata whenua
This means local people that are connected to the marae.
This means visitors to a marae.
This means one of the most well-known and powerful māori concepts.
This means sense of family connection.
This means respect given to elders.
This can mean respect and the process of giving.
Something I would like to learn more about the marae is……... I would like to experience the feeling at a marae.
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Technology Distinction post 1
Technology Distinction Post #1
Today I had Technology in the morning and we traveled on the bus to Lincoln primary school. I am doing wood work and we got a choice of making a table, clock or a try ,I chose a table to make. First I had to sand my table with sand paper the first size that we started with was p80 then it goes p120, p220,p320,p600,1000, p1500 and then you sand it with paper to make it shiny. that took the whole time that we were there then we ha to pack up, sweep and vacuum the floor. Then the teacher read out some riddles. The care values that I showed were Active thinking because I was using my time wisely,I was showing leadership by being organised and getting to school on time so I didn't miss the bus, I have continued to be a role model by representing Oakland's school positively.
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Kapa Haka Distinction post 1
Kapa Haka Distinction post #1
Today we didn't have Kapa Haka because it was a public holiday. Overall this year in Kapa Haka I think that I have done really well because I have learnt a lot of songs and I have listed really well so I know all the actions to the songs that we have learnt. The care value that I think overall I have down well in is respect because I have been respecting the teachers when they were talking to us so I wasn't talking to anyone around me, I have also been showing leadership at Kapa Haka by being a role model to others and not being silly or not talking when others are talking (the teachers), I have continued to be a role model to other students by showing respect to others.
Friday, November 4, 2016
Radio station-Excellence post 20
Radio station-Excellence post #20
Today I had Radio station with Candice and Jade.At 12:45 we went to the radio room to write out the script so we were ready to start by 1:00, Some of the things we had to say on the radio were some interesting news that we found out, latest school news letter, the weather and what is happening in our class. The learner qualities that I showed were respect because I was respecting the laptop and the gear the we had to use, I was also showing leadership by being organised on time right time right place.
Thursday, November 3, 2016
Librarian-Excellence post 19
Librarian-Excellence post #19
Today I had Librarian with Jade and Sophie. This week was literacy week and there was many activities that you could take part in, there was also a theme that was called Lost in space. So the Library was very dark so it felt like you were in space, Some of the activities were find the 14 golden tickets, Another one was a scavenger hunt around the school We could also make bookmarks. The learner qualities that I showed were respect because I was respecting the books that we had to put away buy not throwing them to each other, I was also showing leadership because I was being a role model by not being silly in the library. When it was 1:20 we closed the library and cleaned up the library to make shore that the books were all put away i the right place.
Radio station- Excellence post 18
Radio station- Excellence post #18
Today I had radio station with Candice, Jade and I and we had a great time because we were all being able to have a say in what we wanted to share and what songs we wanted to play on the radio. The learner qualities that I was showing were respect because I was respecting Jade and Candice's ideas of songs, I was also showing leadership by being a role model by saying things that were appropriate and by not being silly in the radio room and wile we were on air.
This term we have been learning about Parliament. We have looked at the difference between government and parliament, NZ parliament, who is in government, how our government works and we compared democracy to dictatorship.
Three things that I learned are NZ parliament are:
- John Key sits in the forth seat on the right
- National sits on the right side
- You don't always need to be in parliament
Here is the link to my compare and contrast map explaining the difference between democracy and dictatorship.
Librarian- Excellence post 17
Librarian- Excellence post #17
Today I had Librarian with Jade and Sophie. We had many books to put away and many children in the Library, At 12:50 we went to the library at started to put the books away. After we had put the books away we walked around the library to put the books away that were in the wrong place, We it was 1:20 we closed the library and made shore that the books were in the right place. The learner qualities that I showed were respect because i was respecting the books that we had to put away, I was also showing leadership by being a good role model to the younger students and not running in the library.
Radio station- Excellence post 16
Radio station- Excellence post #16
Today I had Radio with Candice, we had great fun. Firstly at 12:45 Candice and I went to the radio room so that we could get the script done because we start at 1:00, Candice and I each chose 3 songs each and we both got to talk about what is happening in our classes and news from our latest school newsletter. The learner qualities that I showed were active thinking because I was thinking very hard on what news to say, I was also showing leadership by being a role model by not being silly or saying anything silly on the radio.
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Radio station-Excellenc post 15
Radio station-Excellenc post #15
Today I had radio station with Brook and Candice and we had a great time. First at 12: 50 we all went to the radio room and started to write the script we have to have the script writen out by 1:00 because that is when we start speaking on the radio. We talked about our latest school news letter, interesting news and what is happerning in our classes. The learner qualities that I showed were respect because I was respecting the computer and microphones that we had to use , I was also showing leadership by not saying anything silly on the radio that wasn't appropriate.
Librarian- Excellence post 14
Librarian- Excellence post #14
Last week I had Librarian with Jade, Sophie and I. At 12:50 I went to the library and got started as soon as posably because we had a lot of books to put away. After we had finsied putting all the books away we had to tidey up the selves that means put the books back in the right place so the next people to go to the library they will be able to find what book they are looking for. At 1:20 we walked around the library to tell the people that were in the library that it was closed once we had closed the library we went out side to play. The learner qualities that I showed were modicational because Jade didn't now where a book went and I wasn't allowed to tell her so I motivated her so she was able to think and knew where it went, I was also showing leadership by being a role model to the younger kids on how you take care of the books by not throwing them to each other.
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Visual Art
WALT: Apply knowledge about shapes and patterns derived from nature into an original artwork
For Visual Art the SOLO level I achieved was: Extended Abstract because I achieved all of the art techniques.
The 3 Visual Art techniques I used in my art work to achieve this level were: Glazing, Moving water colors and Shading.
Here is a photo of my artwork:
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Koru games
The activity that I did was Touch
Two highlights of the koru games for me was 1 scoring a try for my team because it was surprising that I scored it and 2 our team worked really hard
I am proud of coming 8th out of 10 teams because so of the teams were really hard
Next year I want to do netball because I did Touch this year so I will try out for Netball next year
Two highlights of the koru games for me was 1 scoring a try for my team because it was surprising that I scored it and 2 our team worked really hard
I am proud of coming 8th out of 10 teams because so of the teams were really hard
Next year I want to do netball because I did Touch this year so I will try out for Netball next year
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Librarian-Excellence post 13
Librarian-Excellence post #13
Today I had Librarian, We got to the Library at 12:50 and we finished at 1:25, there were a lot of books to put away but when we put our minds to it we were finished in no time. After we had put all the books away we had to return and renew some books to other children and then at 1:20 we closed the library and walked around to make sure the library was all tidy and make sure that all of the books were put away and in the right place, The learner qualities that I showed were respect because I was respecting the books that we had to put away
Librarian- Excellence post 12
Librarian- Excellence post #12
Today I had Librarian, at 12:50 all of the librarians had to go to the library for a meeting, we all talked about if we can still do our duty and we were also talking about the library website and what we could improve on it. the learner qualities that I was showing were respect because I was respecting others ideas that they had, I was also showing leadership by being a role model and not going on the device when anyone was talking to use or when anyone had an idea to share with the rest of the group when the library meeting was finished we got to go outside and play.
Thursday, September 8, 2016
CARE: My progress so far
The CARE award that I am working towards is: Gold
The one area of CARE that I am doing best in is: Community because: I have many highlighted in this area
The one area of CARE that I need to work harder in is: Active thinking because: I don't have as many highlighted things in this area
To show my leadership qualities I am a role model to others in the CARE values by showing these leadership traits: Motivational, Active thinker, Goal focused, Resilient.
On the CARE SOLO matrix below I am at this SOLO level: Relational because: I am not at Extended Abstract yet but I am nearly there.
Extended Abstract
I am not aware of the CARE values yet.
I know what the CARE values mean.
I need help to use them.
I can use the CARE values.
I need reminding to use them.
I can use the CARE values independently.
I can use the CARE values independently.
I can role model to others how to use the CARE values.
Friday, September 2, 2016
Radio station- Excellence blog post
Radio station- Excellence blog post
Today I ad Radio station with Candice, Brook and I, Firstly when the outside lunch bell went we went to radio and wrote out the script that we talk of so we know what we are talking about, some things that we talk about are, latest school newsletter, some interesting information, some events that are coming up, what is happening in our classes and we also get to pick some songs to put on the radio, this starts at 1:00 pm and finishes at 1:30 pm, the learner qualities that I showed were respect because I was respecting what Candice and Brook were saying even if they missed out something on the script i just let them carrying on with what they where saying, I was also showing leadership by being a role model and not being silly in the radio room.
Thursday, September 1, 2016
I can recognise and understand a variety of grammatical constructions and some rhetorical patterns
In this unit I have been learning about:
- The parts of speech.
- The types of nouns.
- The types of sentences.
In this unit, I found the matching and name the sentences challenging… because it was tricky to know what went with what.
Something new I learnt was... abstract nouns and what they are
Information report
The water cycle
The water cycle is a process that water goes through and between land, sea and the atmosphere. The water cycle doesn’t have a start or an end, the water is also recycled throughout the process.
This is when the sun heats up the water which is called vapor (gas). This is an invisible process that changes water into gas, On cold days the process of evaporation is very low, Vapour in the air is known as humidity, In most hot places there is a high amount of humidity. After the water turns into a gas it forms into clouds which is called condensation.
Condensation/ Precipitation
Condensation happens because of the temperature changing, some air in the sky cannot stay as a gas so it turns into tiny liquid water drops. Raindrops can come in many different sizes (1mm to 4.5mm), The next stage after this is called runoff.
Runoff/ groundwater
The water under ground moves due to gravity, Even throw some water from runoff soaks into the ground some of it goes back into the sea, lakes and rivers. The more water in snow and Ice the more chance of flooding.
Overall the four stages of the water cycle are Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation and Runoff.
Thursday, July 28, 2016
3D learning
Today Brook and I had to make a slide and answer so question about 3D printing
This is a link of our slide LINK
This is a link of our slide LINK
My CARE Progress
I have done a check of my CARE progress so far this year.
I am proud of my progress because I am onto my silver chart already.
How far away are you from reaching your SILVER? I only need 12 more highlighted until I get my silver
The area of CARE that I need to try harder in Active thinking because I need to turn up right time right place.
To achieve my SILVER award quicker I need to…… record my ticks more
The one thing that I can do to improve my progress in CARE is………. try and achieve as meany ticks as I can
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
I can describe the characteristics of music from songs of a different time and place
Over the past 7 weeks I have been learning to describe the characteristics of music from songs of a different time and place
I can describe these characteristics in a piece of music…
- Melody, It is part of the song that gets stuck in your head or is repeated
- Harmony, It is a happy song or a sad song.
- Rhythm, It is how the song changes it gets faster or slower
- Form, It is how the song is put together.
- Timbre, It is the different background sound / people.
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Peer mediation-Excellence post 20
Peer mediation-Excellence post #20
Today I had peer mediation with Candice. First at 1:10 we went back to our class to get a vest, lanyard, pozies and an I pad. Next we walked around the courts then the junior area to see if there were any problems then we walked around rooms 1, 2, 3 and 4 and we had 1 problem to solve we had to collect all of the people that were involved the red out what was on the lanyard an tried to get them to solve the problem the self, After we had solved the problem the bell rang so we went back to class. The learner qualities that I showed were respect because I was respecting both sides of the story, I was also showing leadership by turning up on time right time right place.
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Kapa Haka-Excellence post 19
Kapa Haka-Excellence post #19
Today I had Kapa Haka, Firstly at 10:30 I went to the hall when I got to the hall I took my shoes of and then sat down in my line, we were practicing for the cultural festival and for the open day at school, for the cultural festival we are performing 4 songs one of them is Hallelujah, for the open day at school we are performing 2 songs one of them is our school song Tai Tapu, the learner qualities that I showed were respect because I was respecting the teachers and what they were telling us to do, I was also showing leadership by turning up on time so that we had more time to practice right time right place.
Radio station-Excellence post 18
Radio station-Excellence post #18
Today I had Radio station with Candice, Jade, Brook, Firstly at 12:50 we went to the radio room when we got to the radio room we filled out the scrip that we had to read off on the scrip you have to write down some songs, who is speaking, weather, birthday shout outs, news from the latest school newsletter and what is happening in your class, Radio station starts at 1:00 and goes to 1:30pm, After we had finished filling out the scripted we started speaking on the radio we choose a variety of sings to put on the radio, we have to use a computer, microphones and a DJ slider, the learner qualities that I showed were active thinking because I was thinking about good songs that we could put on the radio, I was also showing leadership by turning up on time right time right place.
Student council-Excellence post 17
Student council-Excellence post #17
Today I had Student council, at 12:15 I went to the hall foyer ready for student council this finishes between 12:30 and 12:40 pm First we talked about if we should have a talking object so the person with the talking object is the only person that can speak, So one of the seniors went back to class to get a talking object that was safe enough to be passed around the room next we talked about 3 strike warning the first warning is the you get you name up on the board the second warning is the you have to sit in a corner and the third warning is that you have to go back to class and say that you have been silly so you have been sent back to class then your class will have to choose a knew student councilor. The learner qualities that I showed were respect because I was respecting the person who was talking that had the talking object, I was also showing leadership by being a role model for the younger kids that were attending the meeting.
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Librarian-Excellence post 16
Librarian-Excellence post #16
Today I had Librarian by myself because Sophie and Jade had forgotten about library duty, When the 12:40 bell went to go outside I went to the library to start putting away the books I had a lot of books to put away, when I had finished putting all of the books away I had to issue and return some books on the computer at 1:20 I went around the library telling the people in the library that it is closed when everybody had left the library I went around fixing up the books on the shelves so that they were in order so that the next people in the library would be able to find the book that they were looking for, the learner qualities that showed were respect because I was respecting the books and the computers, I was also showing leadership by doing my duty on time right place right time.
Peer mediation-Excellence post 15
Peer mediation-Excellence post #15
Today I had peer mediation with Candice, Firstly at 1:10 I went back to class to get a vest, the i pad and a lanyard after that I walked around the junior area to see if the was any problem there was 2 problems but they we just arguing over equipment so a teacher didn't need to get involved after we had solved the 2 problems we went onto the field and we had ed out some posies because there were people playing nicely and fairly with each other, after that we walked around the senior playground and then we went back to class because the bell rung, the learner qualities that I showed were respect because respect because I was respecting both sides of there story, I was also showing leadership by showing the care values when I was walking around the school.
Thursday, June 16, 2016
Radio station-Excellence post 14
Radio station-Excellence post #14
On Thursday I had radio station with Holly, Brook, Candice and I , at 12:50 we all went to the radio room to start radio this starts at 1:00 and finishes at 1:30, When we got to radio we had all ready filled out the script that we have to read off so we were all ready to go, For radio I was on the laptop so I put on the songs, we each got to choose a song each to make it far. The learner qualities that I showed were respect because I was respecting the gear and equipment that we had to use, I was also showing leadership by motivating Holly because she was nervous to speak on the radio because she hasn't spoke on the radio before.
Student council-Excellence post 13
Student council-Excellence post #13
Today I had Student council, this starts at 12:15 and finishes between 12:30 and 12:40, Today we were talking about a mufti day on Friday 17 of June and we were fundraising for Plunket, Some one from Plunket came in and talked to use about what Plunket is and how it started further more if we wanted to have a theme or not so we decided not to have a theme,The learner qualities that I showed were respect because I was respect the person who was talking by not talking to the person next to me, I was also showing leadership by motivating some people that they could talk in front of all the student councilors that were there.
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Librarian-Excellence post 12
Librarian-Excellence post #12
Today I had Librarian with Sophie, Library starts at 12:50 and goes to 1:20 but we stay in the library until the end of lunch just in case there is something else to do in the library,Sophie and I had a lot of books to put away because Tuesday is the day that most class go t the library but we got them all done, The learner qualities that I showed were respect because I was respecting the books that we had to put away, I was also showing leadership by turning up to my job on time right time right place, I was also motivating Sophie that she could remember where the non fiction books are.
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Radio station-Excellence post 11
Radio station-Excellence post #11
Today I had Radio Station with Jade and Brook, At 12:50 we went to the radio room in witch is in the hall, this starts at 1:00 and finishes at 1:30, I was sitting in the middle of us all and Jade was the DJ were she turn's us on air and off air and Brook was on the computer so she started and stopped the songs that we choose to listen to.we had great fun, the learner qualities that I showed respect because I was respecting the gear that we had to use, I was also showing leadership by tuning up on time right time right place, also motivation because I was motivating Brook that she could fill in for Candice because she was nervous to do it on air.
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
Librarian-Excellence post 10
Librarian-Excellence post #10
Yesterday I had Librarian with Jade and Sophie but Sophie was unable to do it, After the inside lunch bell had rung Jade and I went to the library to start our duty this starts at 1:00 and finishes at 1:30 there were a lot of books for use to put away but in the end we had put them all away, the time we had put them away it was 1:20 so we had to go around and say to everyone in the library that it is closed then we asked Mrs Ward if there was any thing else that we could do and she said no so we went back to class,the learner qualities that I showed were respect because I was respecting the books that I had to pot back on the self in number and A-Z order,I was also showing leadership by motivating Jade that she could remember where the book went so I gave her a hint on where it went but I didn't show here where it went.
Student council-Excellence post 9
Student council-Excellence post #9
Today I had Student council, this starts at 12:15 and finishes between 12:30 and 12:40, First we talked about having a mufti day for plunket and then we had to go back to our classes and talk to them about if we should have a theme or if we should bring a gold coin donation, We also asked our class what more fundraisers they wanted,The learner qualities that I showed were respect because I was respecting the people that were talking, I was also showing leadership by writing down the minutes on paper so that we could keep track of what we talk about.
Monday, June 6, 2016
Year 7/8 Standard: Reading Assessment task
Year 7/8 Standard: Assessment task
WALT: I can use a use a wide range of comprehension strategies to understand text such as: - using their prior knowledge, along with information in the text, to interpret abstract ideas, complex plots, and sophisticated themes - gathering, evaluating, and synthesising information across a small range of texts - identifying and resolving issues that come from competing information in texts
Complete both texts and write the answers in your own words.
TASK 1 - read the text about Sneakairs
| TEXT: EasyJet's Smart "Sneakairs" Makes Sightseeing Effortless |
What I already know about navigating with maps?
Who created “Senakairs?”?
| Easy jet airline team |
How do the “Sneakairs” work?
How do “Sneakairs” help tourists visiting a new city or town?
What challenge does easy Jet need to overcome before “Sneakairs” can go mainstream?
Can you think of any other uses for smart shoes like Sneakairs? - (give at least 2)
Can you think of a better invention than Sneakairs to help us navigate places? Why is that invention better than Sneakairs?
TASK 2: The purpose of this task is to identify details that support a main idea.
A main idea that the author David Hill often explores is: New Zealand's natural environment, and how awesome (impressive and amazing) and powerful it can be.
Read the following passages from pages 7, 8 and 9 of "The Sleeper Wakes" by David Hill.
a) Find details in the text that support this main idea. Underline these details.
b) Think about what the 'sleeper' is, and how it would 'wake' up. Highlight details in the text that suggest this development.
Two girls stood with their parents by a car, watching him. So Corey tried to look cool and expert, and he started up the track behind his father.
The blunt pyramid of Mt Taranaki lifted into a blue winter sky. Snow softened the cliffs where lava had flowed, thousands of years ago. High up towards the summit, the ridge of The Lizard showed where more lava had crawled downwards before cooling and setting.
Corey lowered his gaze to the 4WD track twisting up the mountain's north-east flank. Packed grey and green trees rose on either side. After just ten metres, all sounds from the carpark faded away. Only the crunch of their boots broke the silence.
Three steps ahead, his Dad walked steadily. He wore a woollen hat and green Gortex jacket to keep out the June cold. Warwick Lockyer, Department of Conservation Field Officer; expert on Mt Taranaki; tramper and climber.
His father loved this mountain. He loved its silences and stories, the way it tested people. Corey felt the same way. Being up here was the greatest feeling in the world. Pity some other people couldn't see it that way.
* * *
After 30 minutes' climbing, they paused, took deep breaths, and gazed around. The trees were lower. Tangled, waist-high shrubs had taken over, crammed together for shelter, tops flattened by the wind. In summer, white and yellow flowers blazed here, flowers that grew nowhere else in the world. Now everything huddled beneath winter snow.
Far below, the towns glinted like little grey models – New Plymouth, Inglewood, Stratford. Off to the left, the Tasman Sea was a sheet of grey steel.
On the horizon, blue-and-white shapes shouldered upwards: the peaks of Ruapehu, Ngauruhoe, Tongariro. Corey thought of Riki, the other DoC Field Officer. From Riki, he'd heard how Mt Taranaki once stood beside those other volcanoes, fought with them for the love of beautiful Mt Pihanga, then marched away in anger after losing the fight. Hardly any Maori people lived along the line between Ruapehu and Mt Taranaki; they believe that one day, Taranaki would head back in the fire and smoke to find his love again.
Corey stood listening to the silence. A puff of wind slid past. A pebble, loosened by the morning sun probably, dropped from an icy bank nearby.
'Awesome day,' Corey said.
His father nodded. 'Pity Dean couldn't make it.'
Corey glanced up at the dazzling white summit. Dean was a volcanologist who monitored New Zealand's North Island volcanoes to see if any eruptions seemed likely. He came to visit two or three times a year, even though nothing ever happened on Mt Taranaki.
Corey's father was gazing upwards, too. He stretched, and grinned at his son. 'Come on, mate. We're sleepier than this mountain.'
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Technology Excellence post 5
Technology Excellence post 5 Each Thursday in the week the year 7/8's at Oaklands have to go to technology this means that we have to...
In the Koru Games the sport I competed in was… Netball Our team won… 6 games and we came 12th overall out of 32 teams. I found the ...
Two things that I have enjoyed in Buddy Program are: Being able to interact with the little kids and then them saying to use ...
Book review Term 2 The book that I have read that I have most enjoyed is the book called smile because it is a funny enjoyable book to r...