Monday, December 4, 2017

Technology Excellence post 5

Technology Excellence post 5

Each Thursday in the week the year 7/8's at Oaklands have to go to technology this means that we have to arrive at school before 8:30 to catch the bus to go to Lincoln Primary at tech there are many things that we do we have wood work, textiles, design, cooking, science, and Mandarin, The care value that I showed at technology was respect because I was respecting the materials that we use and I was also respecting the teachers when they were explaining instructions to us, the leadership trait that I showed was active thinker because I was always active and doing something and I was also thinking what I needed to do to achieve something. 

Kapa Haka Excellence post 2

Kapa Haka Excellence post 2

On Friday at 10:25 I had to go to the hall because I had kapa haka at kapa haka we learn a variety of Maori and English songs some of them have actions and some don't, one of my favorite songs is rere rere ripo because I is a nice quick and easy song and the words are nice and simply, the care values that I showed the best was respect because I was respecting the people that were talking and I was respecting the teachers when they were trying to show us what to do I was doing this by not talking when they were talking, the leadership trait that I should during this time was trustworthy because I was trusted to not be silly and to turn up each Friday ready to practice.

Kapa Haka Excellence post 1

Kapa Haka Excellence post 1

On Friday we had kapa haka and we went to the hall at 10:30 ready for kapa haka, the first thing we did to warm up our voices was to sing hallelujah, at the end of kapa haka practice we played a game, The care values that I showed was active thinking because when we were doing a song that had actions I had to think about what actions that I needed to think about, the leadership trait that I showed the best during kapa haka was resilient because when we were all bunched up I ask everyone to spread out so we had enough room.

R.9 Help out around home 15 times without being asked.

R.9 Help out around home 15 times without being asked.

 Here is a link to the doc where I wrote down all of the things I did to help out around home.
Click here for the doc. 

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Kapa Haka Excellence post 5

Kapa Haka Excellence post 5

On Friday I had Kapa Haka, First we went to the hall and we sat down in our lines ready for the teachers, the first song that we sang was rere rere ripo this is one of my favorite songs, next we sang hare mai this song has actions in it, the care value that I showed during Kapa Haka was respect because I was respecting the teachers when they were explaining or talking to us all, the leadership trait that I showed the best was active thinker because I was actively think about what actions are next in the song.

Technology Excellence post 4

Technology Excellence post 4

When we arrived at Lincoln primary for technology we went to our class that we were in I am in textiles and design next I put my bag in a cubby next we went up stairs and watched a video about the future of jobs and what it might be like, the care values that I showed was active thinking because I was thinking about what kind of jobs they might have in the future, The leadership trait that I showed the best was respect because I was respecting the people that were sharing there ideas with us.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Key leadership role Excellence post 5

Key leadership role Excellence post 5

Today we had a leadership meeting and we were talking about how many blog posts that we have to do to be able to get the reward next week then we started talking about the course box and if we have a parent helper next we talked about who wants to do what and so there needed to be four people to do the base coat, The care value that I showed during this meeting was respect because I was respecting the person that was talking, the leadership trait that I showed best during this meeting was resilient because I was being resilient by thinking what day would be best for me to go and paint it.

Technology Excellence post 3

Technology Excellence post 3

On Thursday we had technology and I am in textiles and design at this stage and time I have finished one pillow and I am onto the next pillow the color of the pillow is a blue ocean color, The care value that I am showing the most is active thinking because before i make something I think about what shape it is going to be, what I am going to use it for and what color I would like it to be, The leadership trait that I am showing the is Resilient because if something goes wrong I try my best to fix it and find ways to make it better.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Kapa Haka Excellence post 4

Kapa Haka Excellence post 4

On the 24th of November I didn't have Kapa Haka because cultural club we had a trip to the ngati moki mare When we went to ngati moki mare it was a great trip  at the end of the trip we went to the beach to have a look but we couldn't swim in it, That is why I didn't have Kapa Haka. The care value that I showed was Respect because I was respecting the rules that they had at the mare, the leadership trait that I showed the best was goal focused because I was focused on what we had to do at the mare and where we had to be.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Key leadership role Excellence post 4

Today we had a leadership meeting and it was about when we went to the Christchurch city council and learnt about many things and got to choose something to help the community so we choose to do a chorus box, so we had to draw up a sketch and then we got to choose what sketch looks best, once we had done that as a group we voted for what one we liked the best when we had all voted then the winner had to come up with some more designs then we picked the best one for the chorus box, 

NZ Identity: Parliament

World War 1

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Writing a formal letter

Writing a formal letter

What were your next steps that you set at the start of this unit. Copy and paste the next steps from your doc called letter writing checking my first attempt.

I need to add in the date to my letter Writing and I also need to have an address for where the letter needs to to sent to and also my school address.

Which of these next steps did you achieve?
I have achieved all of these next steps in my letter writing.

Which of these next steps did you NOT achieve? Why do you think this was?
I achieved all of them.

Overall what have you learned about writing a formal letter.

I have learnt many things about writing a letter when I wrote my first attempt of the letter I think that I did very well for my first attempt because I had only missed two things but when I did my second letter I had fixed up the two things that I had missed out.

Treat of Waitangi

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

WALT:Write an effective argument for our chosen political party.

WALT: Write an effective argument for our chosen political party.

Who will you vote for?
Personally I really don’t care who wins, but if I HAD to vote for a party I would vote for National. Furthermore, I think that National is a good party because they are doing more things to help the community. The points that I am going to cover are child obesity, people in apprenticeship and to build a new hospital in Dunedin.The first thing that I am going to talk about is childhood obesity.

National wants to continue to implement a plan to reduce childhood obesity. National believes that childhood obesity increases the risk of poor health for people throughout their lives.This is a good policy because then there would be less children that are obesity.This is a good policy because then there would be many more children that are able to do many sporting activities.This leads me to my second policy on why I think National is a better party.

Aim to have 50,000 people in apprenticeships by 2020, I strongly believe that it will help all the people get jobs in the future and it will be good for the community. It will prevent unemployment and it will help owners choose easily. It will be better if we all have an entry into the job we want life will be much easier. This leads me to my last policy for National, It is good to have a job but it is good to have hospitals around the world and in NZ.

Build a new hospital in Dunedin, Because the hospital in Dunedin is very old, and it could use an upgrade.I can help the students in otago university to learn what qualification they need to achieve to operate a patient. The hospital is too old, for example this leads to cracks and the building falling down. I am now going to talk about a poor policy from Labour.

A poor policy for Labour is to abolish National Standards. I think that we shouldn't get rid of National Standards because they help students in many ways. I think that this is a bad policy because some students like to know there goals that they are trying to work towards on the other hand they are also able to show friends if they have achieved something special. My second reason why I think that this is a bad policy is because the teachers are able to show the students parents on how well their child is doing with their goals and Standards. This brings me onto my three reason why National is a better party.

Overall I have covered many things why National is a great party. Furthermore, National policies are very in health because they are going to be building a new hospital in Dunedin.The points that I have covered are child obesity, people in apprenticeship and to build a new hospital in Dunedin. Clearly you know who I am voting for, who are you voting for?

My next steps are: to add some more rhetorical questions.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Koru games reflection

In the Koru Games the sport I competed in was… Netball

Our team won… 6 games and we came 12th overall out of 32 teams.

I found the experience to be...very good because… we came across many hard games and some easy games, we also work very well as a team.

In terms of working with Individuals and Groups; my solo level is… Extended abstract because… our whole team were able to work well together and communicate very well.

For Teamwork; my solo level is…Relational because… We were good at communicating on the court but some got a little frustrated.

Individuals and groups
I need help to work in a group (with teachers or other students
I can work in a group with my friends.
I can work in a group with anyone in my  year level or team  

I can respond positively to the needs of others
I can reflect on how well I work with the group and seek feedback on how I can improve

I need help to interact with others.

I need help to participate in a team.
I can interact with others one to one.

I can participate in a team.
I can interact with others in a small group.

I can participate and take responsibility in a team.

I can participate and take responsibility in a team and explain my choices in terms of team outcomes.
I can participate in creating healthy teams by taking responsibility and critical action.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Book review Term 2

Book review Term 2

The book that I have read that I have most enjoyed is the book called smile because it is a funny enjoyable book to read The part that I enjoyed the most is when she had a beautiful smile again after her accident that she had. I would rate this book a ten out of ten because I love the end result because the end result was great to see what they were able to do to help.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

E10. Design your own challenge

E10. Design your own challenge

I have participated in the Cantamaths for school  but I didn't make it in, here is a photo to some of my maths answers and my working out.

Buddy Program Term 2

          Two things that I have enjoyed in Buddy Program are:

  • Being  able to interact with the little kids and then them saying to use that they really enjoyed doing the activities with us.
  • Being able to know some of there strengths and weaknesses.

         Two of the most challenging things for me have been:

  • When you would try and talk to them they would start talking there friends.
  • When you find that u are doing all the work and your others team mates are just having fun playing/doing what they want.

          Two things that I would do differently next time:

  • I would ask my team mates to help if they are playing instead of me just trying to do it myself.
  • I would make sure that I have everything planned out before we start so that the kids aren't sitting around looking bored and doing nothing.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Kapa Haka Excellence post 3

Today we had the open day for school so the kapa haka we had to perform at the start of the open day. We performed  five songs these were ka waiata, our school song, rere ripo, hare mai and tena matoa. I think that we did really well. The song that I liked the most was rere ripo because we had heaps of sound and it sounded great. The care value that I showed was Active thinking because I had to introduce the Kapa Haka so I had to think of what to say. The leadership trait that I was showing was respect because when I went into the hall I was respectful of the parents around me.

R.6 Research a different culture. Find out how their culture differs to yours. Present your findings.

R.6 Research a different culture. Find out how their culture differs to yours. Present your findings.

Visual Art

I can...Apply Visual Art conventions to an original chalk pastel art work.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Current Events Term 2, 2017

WALT: I can successfully research a current event.
Here is a link to our online modelling book for this unit of learning.

The National Standard that I have been aiming for during this unit of learning is:
  • Year 7/8: I can use appropriate skills and technologies to find and use a range of texts for specific purposes.

Each week we have read a short text about a current event/ topic. We then formed questions based on what we had read.  After this we researched the answers to our questions and finally we gave our opinions on what we had found out.

Here is some evidence of my learning.

My Next Step is to continue to  apply the reading and  research skills that I have learned in a variety of other areas.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Student led conference

Student led conference

Careers Education C.V. Writing

In CAREERS EDUCATION we have been learning to write a skills based Curriculum Vitae.

A skills based C.V. focuses more on the skills that we have,  rather than our work history.

Here is a link to our online Modelling Book that shows the process we have followed.

Three things that I have learned about writing a Curriculum Vitae are:

  1. That your spelling, grammer and punctuation is important.

  1. That there are seven skills that you need to have to get to any career

  1. That you have to have referees in your CV these are people that know you well.

Here is a link to my Skills based Curriculum Vitae.

R.4 Learn a new language –learn six new phrases to share with your class.

R.4 Learn a new language –learn six new phrases to share with your class. 

Here is a link to the doc where I have wrote down my six new phrases

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Technology Excellence post 1

Today we had technology, it was my last time in wood work so I had to get a move on with my box because it wasn't finished. First I finished painting it then got the cables that I needed to put it all together, after that it was morning tea and was time to go out and play after morning tea I came back in and glued my boxed top together then asked if anyone else needed help which nobody did so I then went onto poker burning. The care value that I showed was active thinking because I was thinking so that I didn't knock the poker burner into someone. The leadership trait the I showed was goal focused because I was focused on finishing what I started.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Technology Excellence post 2

Today it was our first time in textiles and design first when I got to school I did the roll then I lined up to go onto the bus, when we arrived at Lincoln primary for technology group b and c we went to the design and textiles room, next we learnt about all the safety things that you have to have. Then group b went to mandarin and group c (my group) we learnt about nets of a shape and then we had to make a net of a box. Then at 11:00 my group we went to mandarin when we got back to was time to pack up and go on the bus back to school. The care value that I showed was respect because I was respecting the teacher when she was talking to use so I didn't talk to others when she was, The leadership trait that I showed was motivational because I motivated my team mates when they were nervous to try/do something.

Friday, June 2, 2017

Apply simple linear proportions, including ordering fractions

Apply simple linear proportions, including ordering fractions

Here is a link to some activities that I did

I learnt many things in this e.g how to order factions problem solving and many more.
The thing that was most challenging for me was the problem solving.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

House captains Excellence post 2

Today all the house captains got together to talk about the new roster that we made so that everyone is doing there duty, I am on in the morning for odd weeks and afternoon for even weeks, The care value that I showed was respect because I was respecting my teacher who made the roster and how it didn't matter who I was with and when I was on, I was also showing Resilience because I was unable to do something else due to the roster so I asked someone else to do it instead. 

Key leadership role Excellence post 3

Today all of the student leaders went out into town to visit the Christchurch city council, We learnt about what they do, and how many people work there. We also had a look inside the chamber, I learnt about one of the jobs there it is graffiti and how they tag many many graffiti all year, and if you go and draw something beautiful then they have to take it of but if you ask them it becomes graffiti art. The care value that I showed was respect because I was respecting Celia when she was talking by not talking and listen to what she had to say. I was also goal focused because when we had a task to do I was focused on getting that task finished. 

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

I can make links across texts by recognising connectives or adverbial clauses

I can make links across texts by recognising connectives or adverbial clauses

In this unit learnt… What the difference is between the to.

A connective is… a word that connects to sentences into one

An adverbial clause is… Something that tells you the time, place or action of where it was.

Here is a link to a compare and contrast map of an adverbial clause and a connective.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Term 1 Book Review

See ya, Simon

This is is a book about a boy called Simon, he has muscular dystrophy, He goes to school and wants to be treated like a normal child but his teacher likes to reward him with things that little kids would be rewarded with. He has many friends and his family are always doing things for Simon. This is a great book to read.

A.6 Research a range of options for High School. Visit at least three different open nights.

A.6 Research a range of options for High School. Visit at least three different open nights.

The three open nights/ days that I went to where Lincoln, Cashmere and Girls High.I thought that these were well presented. The one that I liked the most was Lincoln because I found that it had many sporting opportunity's and lots of space with many classrooms.  
Here is a link to the doc with a list of High schools that I researched. Link

Friday, May 26, 2017

House captains leadership Excellence post 1

Today it was the bake sale and all of the year 8's had to bring in some baking to get some money off there bill for our school camp trip to Wellington, All the house captains set up  the tables and severed the kids it was great fun to see all the children wanting to buy something, we raised just under $900 dollars. The care value that I showed was respect because I was respecting the little kids while they think of what they wanted, I was showing leadership by helping out when I was needed.

Monday, May 1, 2017

C.10 Design your own challenge.

C.10 Design your own challenge.

For design your own challenge I chose to umpire at least 3 netball games,On Saturday I umpired a year 5/6 netball game it was Ellesmere vs South Bridge This was my first game to umpire for the year, I think that I did well for my first time this year. I have done my second umpiring game it went better than it did first, I think that I was doing well with calling and blowing my whistle loud, This is my third game that I umpired It was a very tricky game to umpire because the ball was going back and forth and was a close game.

Sunday, April 30, 2017

R.9 Help out around home 15 times without being asked

R.9 Help out around home 15 times without being asked.

Here is a link to the doc where I wrote down all of the things I did to help out around home.
Click here for the doc.

C.1 Prepare an itinerary for a tourist visiting Christchurch

Here is a link of the doc that I wrote all of the things that you can do in Christchurch. Click here for link

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Assessment task: Use simple fractions and percentages to describe probabilities

Assessment task: Use simple fractions and percentages to describe probabilities

Question 1:

Show your working and answer here: I think that the answer is 1/15 this is a photo of my working

Question 2:
Show your working and answers here:
2a: $2 because then the children get two each and they might get one of each colour then they can swap

2b:$3 because then they can get three and they might get two of one colour and the one another colour.

2c:$6 because then they get two each and it has a higher chance of getting two of the same colour.

Question 3:

Show your working and answer here: For the first question i think it is 16 because you just need to times it by four which equals 16.

For the second question i think that it is 400 because there are 4 tiles and then u just times it by one hundred.

What is you next step? My next step is to keep practicing so that they come more easy to me.

Finally, add the screenshots from the 3 IXL activities you did here:

Activity One
Activity Two
Activity Three

Current Events Term 1

Current Events Term 1

In Current Events I covered these topics:
  • The design of the Halswell Skate Park and I made a submission to the council.
  • Donald Trump’s Refugee Plan
  • Christchurch Earth Memorial
  • The new Ngā Puna Wai Sports Facility
  • The Red Zone and Avon River Regeneration Plan with a submission to the council.

My favorite topic was...The Red Zone because… It was interesting to learn about.

Here is a link to my learning on the Red Zone and Avon River Regeneration Plan.

The Reading National Standards I have achieved are

  • Year 7 and 8
    • Identifying and resolving issues that come from competing information in texts
      gathering, evaluating, and synthesising information across a small range of texts
    • I can use appropriate skills and technologies to find and use a range of texts for specific purposes.

Technology merit post 5

Today at Technology my group C we had finished in foods so we went to wood work, Today was also the day that I had Canterbury swimming so I had to leave at 10:10, In wood work we are making speakers and we get to choose what color they are and what shape, since we moved to wood work that means that our time for mandarin has changed now it is at 9:30-10:00 after that we went back to wood work and we started planning fro our speakers. Then it was time for me to go to Canterbury swimming. The care value that I showed was respect because I was respecting the mandarin teachers when they were talking to us.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Kapa Haka merit post 5

Today at Kapa Haka it was our last practice for the term so we went through all of the songs first we sung Aoteroa then the teachers decided to sing ka waiata this is my favorite song because there are many people doing echoing in it and it sounds so good, After that the teachers said that we were going to sing some fun and funny songs because it was our last practice, Then it was time to finish I had a great last time for the term at Kapa Haka. The care value that I showed was excellence because I was trying my best in singing the songs.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Technology merit post 4

Today it was Technology day so we had to get to school earlier than normal because the bus leaves at 8:35, I got there at 8:20 then we got let inside to do the roll and the teachers talked about the notices, next it was time to go onto the bus I am on bus two, when we got to technology at Lincoln primary I went to mandarin because cooking has it a 9 - 9:30  then after mandarin we went back to cook Bread baskets we got to choose what we wanted to put in them I chose onion, spaghetti, ham and cheese. Then we cooked them wiliest they were cooking we went out for morning tea, When we came back from morning tea we got to eat it but I chose to take them home and share them with my family. The care value that I showed was Active thinking because I was thinking that I showed be quiet when I am talking on the bus so that the bus driver can concentrate.

House captains leadership merit post 5

Today I did the flags in the morning by myself first I put up the Oaklands school ones then I put up the care values C,A,R,E, Today we also had a student leaders meeting we were talking about how we are going with putting up the flags and putting them away and also with the bins to day our school care taker judged the bins to see what house had the most rubbish in it and that house was Rata I think for next time that wee need to remind the students often that only rubbish goes in the bins. The care value that I showed was Community because I was contributing to the bin challenge.

Technology merit post 3

Today we had technology and I got to school on time then we did the roll in class went through the notices and then we got on or buses to go to tech there are two buses I am on bus two and my other friends are on bus two as well so I can sit with them, When we get to tech we go to our tech group I am in cooking but we have mandarin first so when drop off our bags then go to mandarin for half an hour then come back and then our cooking teacher tells us what we are cooking for the day, Today she said that we were cooking cinnamon pinwheel scones  then we went and got our ingredients and started making them then it was time for morning tea after morning tea we did some book work then it was time to head back to school on the bus. The care value that I showed was respect because I was respecting the seat and the driver by being quiet and only talking to the person next to me.

Technology Excellence post 5

Technology Excellence post 5 Each Thursday in the week the year 7/8's at Oaklands have to go to technology this means that we have to...